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I am a psychiatrist dedicated to my patients who suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety, traumatic brain injury and other mental health issues. I was born to Assyrian-immigrant parents in Detroit, Michigan. I wanted to be a doctor ever since I was a child. I did medical school in Detroit at Wayne State University. I chose psychiatry because of my passion to help the most vulnerable in our society (those with mental illness). I did my residency at UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. I love LA and decided to stay after I graduated. I have been in practice for 4 years. In my free time, I love playing with 6-year old mixed beagle/dachshund, learning about British history, learning foreign languages and advocating for causes that mean a lot to me, including refugee rights and jail reform surrounding mental health. 


Passionate Dog Owner

I love all animals dearly. This is Albert. He is my 6 year-old mixed Beagle and Dachshund who I adopted two years ago. He is so energetic and keeps me active. I strongly believe animals give us so much and greatly improve the quality of our lives. Here's to all the pups who make our lives better!

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